Rena swoops low to the ground and changes in front of him, her feet touching the ground softly. "You've me mistaken with someone else, sire." She holds out the note to him. It reads "Brink of the Perfect.
I am Ruslana Whitewood, Grand Priestess of the Air Kineara. It has come to my attention there is a man named Colado whom is seeking to cause havok in our Races. It likely is not safe to send important information through a letter, so I would like to schedule a meeting where the three leaders of the Races are able to get together and speak privately, bringing only there closest and most trusted advisors.
Reply quickly, time is of the essence.
"Milady is expecting a reply. Dues Lord Rippers has already agreed to meet at the Hall of Leaders in Triga." she watches him, her gaze never wavering.